Bitstream Technologies, was a technology company which provided services to a variety of industries with it's central focus being the gaming industry. The Company closed in 2020. These pages have been left online for archival purposes and the accuracy of the links contained therein are not guaranteed.
Locations of Interest to Electronic Engineers
Electronic Component Manufacturers on the Web.
Electronic Component Distributors on the Web.
Electronics Industry Publications on the Web.
Tons of other Electronics Resources.
Industry Related Vortals.
Interesting Technologies Page.
COMING SOON! Software Engineering Resources.
Featured Electronics & Other Info Links
Japanese transistors page. Very good info on older germanium transistors if you need it for repair or to find equivalence.
The Hardware Book has a ton of great information including information on selecting the appropriate wire gauge or PCB-tracewidth for a given current.
I looked all over for a 16C750 compatible quart that supports 9 bit multidrop mode and found it!
Checkout Cypress Microsystems PSOC!
Checkout Atheros Communication's, new 5 gig radio on a chip!
Checkout Rabbit Semiconductor's, nifty new processor the Rabbit 2000.
Checkout OpenCores, OpenIP and the Free-IP Project offering free core designs for Asics.
What is all this nanotechnology stuff anyhow?
Checkout TMS320C6211 DSP Starter Kit.
Cybernetic Micro Systems produces control chips that control stepper motors etc.
Checkout TI's MSP430 Ultra low power microcontoller.
Don Klipstein's Lighting Info Site has very good info on lamps, leds, etc.
Zilog offers a Low-Cost Z8 In-Circuit Emulator.
Linx Technologies has some nice wireless modules for your product!
Atmel's AVR series Flash Microcontrollers boast 20mhz with 1 cycle instruction times! They have a development kit for $49.00 but if you would like to make your own see BA1FB's Ham radio page or Claudio Lanconelli's Project Page.
Some of our Engineer's Pages
Some of our client's and accomplishments
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Last Update : Thursday, 28-Jan-2021 06:34:54 PST
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