Electronics Industry Publications.
- CompactPCI Systems.
- Compliance Engineering Magazine.
- Computer Telephony Magazine.
- Control Engineering Online.
- EDN Magazine.
- Electronic Component News.
- Electronic Design Online.
- Electronics for you.
- Electronic News Online.
- Electronic Products Magazine Online.
- Electonics Weekly UK.
- E2W3 Electrical Engineering on the Web.
- Embedded Systems Magazine.
- Embedded Technology Ezine.
- EETimes.
- Green Cirkit is a good PCB protoype resource.
- Hewlett-Packard Journal.
- Integrated Systems Design.
- Inquiry.com provides search engines to many technical magazine databases!
- Microwave Journal.
- Personal Engineering & Instrumentation News.
- Printed Circuit Design.
- Semiconductor International.
- Sensors Magazine.
- Softaid's article index.
- Upside Magazine.
- VHDL Times.
- Zen Newsletter Archives.
Electronics Hobby Publications.
- Circuit Cellar Magazine.
- Circuit Cellar Index.
- Electronics Now.
- EPE Magazine.
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