G486 Special Applications Motherboard
The G486 has been designed to be used in applications where top performance and maximum reliability are needed. Application software can be run without the need of a floppy or hard disk drive, therefore avoiding their fragility. This is achieved through 8 megabytes of on board Eprom or Flash Eprom that can be configured as regular DOS system disks. Speech, matrix keyboard support and many diversified I/O lines on the Gipco Bus make the G486 ideal for custom applications that require simple, practical, reliable and inexpensive hardware.
Top view of the G486, Click for full image.
Main Features
- 486 Processor DX/SX up to 50 Mhz.
- OPTI 82C499 based motherboard glue logic.
- 16 MB Maximum ram capacity (4 simms X 256K, 4 simms X 1MB, 4 simms X 4MB).
- 256 KB write back cache ram.
- Real time clock (Dallas 1287 with on chip battery guarantees maximum reliability).
- 8 Bit Digital to analog converter for speech synthesis.
- 7 Watt audio amplifier.
- 32 KB Max battery backed ram.
- Simultaneous support of standard AT keyboard and 128 Key matrix keyboard.
- Gipco Bus contains a multitude of built in I/O.
- 2 on board serial ports.
- 1 on board parallel port.
- 4 AT bus slots.
- 2 Master capable VESA localbus slots.
- 8 MB on board eprom/flash eprom disk or battery backed ram disks.
- Watch dog timer with on board power good sensing for those mission critical apps.
Gipco Bus Information
The Gipco Bus is a proprietary bus installed on the G486 motherboard wich provides the developer with added inputs and outputs for controlling a multitude of devices. All addresses for this I/O region are mapped into 32 consecutive I/O locations with a user selectable base address.
Gipco Bus Features
- Two 8 bit bidirectional I/O ports with bit selectable direction as Input or Output.
- 4 I/O lines controlled by interval timers for generation of programmable frequencies or counting external pulses with interrupt generation.
- 8 High power lines 12V or external voltage selectable capable of driving 1 Amp each.
- 2 Optoisolated inputs.
Applications Programming
Since the motherboard is 100% PC compatible. You can use your favorite development setup to code any application for it. From basic, to C to machine code there is no problems whatsoever. After the application runs on your hard drive, you can transfer it to eprom by running a utility program to convert the data to eprom images. After burning the eproms, you insert them into the board and voila, it boots and runs your application. We have libraries written for C, for manipulating the special ports on the Gipco Bus which you can include in your C programs and are currently worling on libraries for other languages.
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Last Update: April 30, 1996. Copyright 2006 Bitstream Technologies, Inc.
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